How to Properly Use Compost on Farmland

Composting is a great approach to improve the structure and fertility of agriculture soil. Farmers may increase crop yields, use less synthetic fertiliser, and advance sustainable agriculture by employing compost. To guarantee that compost improves farmland as much as possible, proper use is essential. In this article, we’ll look at how to apply compost on agricultural soil effectively.


 1. Select the proper compost

Choosing the appropriate type of compost is the first step in utilising it on farmland. Compost comes in a wide variety of forms, and each one has distinctive qualities that make it suited for particular applications. While some composts are intended for broad usage, others are suited for certain crop kinds, including grains, vegetables, or fruits.


Look for compost created from a variety of organic resources, such as crop leftovers, animal manure and bedding, and food waste, when making your selection. A combination of these components guarantees that the compost is well-aerated and delivers a balance of nutrients.


 2. Analyse your soil

Test your soil to evaluate its nutrient levels and pH before spreading compost to your farmland. Your crops will benefit the most from your compost if you apply it at the proper pace and use a soil test to assist you make these decisions.


3. Calculate the application rate

Compost application rates are determined by the amount of nutrients in the compost and the nutrient requirements of the crops. Typically, 2-3 tonnes of compost per acre per year are advised. The crop, soil type, and other variables may all affect the proper application rate.


4. Applying compost properly

It’s time to apply the compost once you’ve established the proper application rate. Using a spreader or other tool to ensure even distribution, spread the compost over the soil’s surface. Applying too much compost can cause nutrient imbalances and waterlogging, so be careful not to do so.


You can use a disc harrow or other tools to infiltrate the compost into the soil to a depth of 4-6 inches to make sure it is thoroughly mixed with the soil.


5. Your application’s timing

For greatest benefits, compost application timing is essential. Compost should generally be applied in the autumn or spring, when soil temperatures are cooler. During these times, the compost will have more time to decompose before the following growing season, making the nutrients in the compost more easily accessible to plants.


6. Monitor the soil moisture

In order to make sure that the compost is well mixed into the soil and the nutrients are accessible to the plants, it is crucial to keep an eye on the soil’s moisture after application. Insufficient soil moisture might restrict the nutrients in the compost that are available and lessen the advantages to the crops.


7. Check the soil pH.

Compost can alter soil pH, which can impact a plant’s capacity to access nutrients. It’s critical to frequently check the pH of the soil and make any required adjustments because compost treatment might cause the pH of the soil to rise over time. You can apply sulphur or other acidifying substances to reduce the pH of the soil if it rises too high.


8. Upkeep of  your compost

Maintaining your compost properly is crucial to ensuring that it keeps benefiting your farms. This includes frequently stirring the compost to make sure it is well-aerated and decomposing uniformly. Adding items that can contain chemicals, such meat, dairy products, or pet waste, should also be avoided because they might introduce dangerous bacteria into the compost.


9. Limit your use of compost.

Despite being a fantastic source of nutrients for your crops, compost should not be used excessively. Composting too much can cause waterlogging, nutritional imbalances, and other issues.

Furthermore, too much compost application might encourage the development of unwanted bacteria and fungi, which can harm your crops. It is best to stick to the advised application rates and refrain from applying more than is required.


10. Consider other factors

While adding compost to farms is a great approach to increase soil fertility and structure, it’s necessary to take into account other elements that may have an impact on crop yield. These include things like crop rotation, pest control, and irrigation.


You may increase the fertility and structure of your farmland’s soil, cut down on waste, and support sustainable agriculture by utilising compost appropriately. You can make sure that your compost gives your crops the most advantages by picking the right kind, applying it at the proper time and rate, and keeping an eye on the pH and soil moisture levels. These recommendations can help you increase crop yields, use less synthetic fertiliser, and foster a safe and sustainable agricultural environment.

Post time: May-08-2023