10 benefits of organic fertilizers

Any organic material (compounds containing carbon) used as fertilizer is called organic fertilizer. Simply put, organic fertilizers are the remains of dead plants and animals and the faces excreted by animals. Organic fertilizers are divided into commercial organic fertilizers and agricultural fertilizers. Agricultural fertilizers include soil fertilizers, stable fertilizers, lap fertilizers, composts, composts, green manures, and human urine and manure. So what is the role of organic fertilizer?


1. Increase the agglomerate structure of the soil

Soil agglomerate structure is formed by several soil single particles bonded together as an agglomerate of a soil structure. Small pores are formed between the single grains and large pores are formed between the agglomerates. The small pores can retain moisture and the large pores can maintain aeration. Agglomerate soils ensure good root growth and are suitable for crop cultivation and growth. The role of the agglomerate structure in soil fertility.

① It reconciles water and air.

② It reconciles the conflict between the consumption and accumulation of nutrients in the organic matter of the soil.

③ stabilizes soil temperature and regulates soil heat.

④ Improves tillage and facilitates the extension of crop roots.


2. Improve the permeability and looseness of the soil

The leaves of fruit trees suck in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen; the roots suck in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. To carry out the normal nutrient cycle, the surface shallow respiratory roots must have sufficient oxygen supply, which requires the soil to have looseness and permeability. Soil permeability is proportional to the size of the soil particles and is influenced by the soil’s water content, temperature, atmospheric pressure, and air temperature. Soil permeability is also known as soil aeration, which is the performance of the mutual exchange of soil air with the atmosphere, or the rate at which the atmosphere enters the soil. It is closely related to the structure of the soil, especially to the pore characteristics, and soils with a high proportion of total porosity or large pores have good permeability. For example, well-structured soils have better permeability than poorly structured soils; sandy soils are better than clayey soils; soils with moderate moisture content are better than excessively moist ones; surface soils are better than subsoils, etc.


3. Improve soil and balance acidity and alkalinity

The strength of soil acidity and alkalinity is often measured by the degree of acidity and alkalinity. Soil is acidic and alkaline because there are small amounts of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in the soil. When the concentration of hydrogen ions is greater than the concentration of hydroxide ions, the soil is acidic; conversely, it is alkaline; when the two are equal, it is neutral. Most of the soils in China have a pH range of 4.5 to 8.5, with the pH increasing from south to north, forming a “south acid north alkaline” trend. Due to the difference in climate between the north and the south of China, the south is wet and rainy and the soil is mostly acidic, while the north is dry and rainy and the soil is mostly alkaline. Soils that are too acidic or too alkaline will reduce the effectiveness of soil nutrients to varying degrees, making it difficult to form a good soil structure and seriously inhibiting the activities of soil microorganisms, affecting the growth and development of various crops.


4. Improve the quality of agricultural products

Changes in the main organic components of the fruit.

1) Moisture. Except for chestnuts, walnuts and other nuts, and other dried fruits, the water content of most fruits is 80% to 90%.

2) sugar, acid. Sugar, acid content, and sugar-acid ratio are the main signs of fruit quality. Sugar in the fruit to glucose, fructose, and sucrose, starch exists in the young green fruit, different fruit species which contain sugars also differ, such as grapes, figs, cherries in glucose, fructose more; peaches, plums, apricots in sucrose more than reducing sugar. Organic acids in the fruit are mainly malic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, apple, pear, peach to malic acid, citrus, pomegranate, figs, citric acid is the main, the acid in the fruit in the young fruit when the content is low, with the growth of the fruit and improve, nearly mature fashion as respiratory substrate and decomposition.

3) pectin. The endogenous cause of fruit hardness is the binding force between cells, the mechanical strength of cellular constituent material, and cell expansion pressure, the binding force between cells is influenced by pectin. Immature fruit original pectin exists in the primary wall of the pectin layer so that the cells are connected, as the fruit matures, under the action of enzymes into soluble pectin and pectinate, so that the flesh of the fruit becomes soft. The content of cellulose and calcium has a great influence on the hardness of the fruit.

4) the aroma and odor of the fruit. Aroma and odor are important factors in determining the quality of the fruit. Many fruits have an astringent taste, mainly tannin substances, citrus in the bitter taste of the main component is naringin. The fruit also contains vitamins, vitamin A is the yellow fruit containing more carotene, such as apricot, loquat, persimmon, etc., prickly pear, date, Chinese kiwi, sea buckthorn contains a relatively high level of vitamin C, containing chlorophyll in the young fruit is high, with the growth of the fruit, the absolute amount increased, but the content of the unit of fresh weight decreased, the peel than the heart of the fruit is high, the sunny side is higher than the backlight side.

5) the change of pigment. The color of the fruit has chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanins, anthocyanidin glycosides, and flavonoids. The structure of carotenoids is tetraterpene (C), there are 500 species, present in chloroplasts and plastids, combined with proteins, have the role of protecting cells from strong light damage, when the fruit is ripe, chlorophyll decreases, and carotenoids increase.


5. Rich in various nutrients

Organic fertilizer contains not only rich organic matter and organic acids, such as humic acid, amino acids, xanthic acid, but also contains a variety of large, medium, and trace elements, although the content is low but more comprehensive. In general, nitrogen for long leaves, phosphorus for long flowers, potassium for long fruits; silicon for roots, calcium for fruits, magnesium for leaves, sulfur for taste; iron for yellow leaves, copper for deciduous leaves, molybdenum for flowering leaves, zinc for small leaves, boron for curly leaves.


6. With long-lasting

Real organic fertilizer shall not be dissolved, and can not be dissolved, because organic fertilizer contains large amounts of cellulose and lignin can not be dissolved by water, it must be through the soil microbial bacteria to decomposition, converted into amino acids and carbohydrates to be absorbed by the root system of fruit trees, which is a slow and lasting process.


7. With efficiency

Organic fertilizer decomposition, provide energy and nutrients for soil microbial activities, promote microbial activities, accelerate the decomposition of organic matter, produce active substances, etc. can promote the growth of crops and improve the quality of agricultural products, not only eat melon sweet, eats wheat fragrance, more importantly, through the microbial decomposition of organic acids can activate the coil is fixed in the mineral elements can be fully absorbed and used.


8. With water retention

Research information pointed out that: in organic fertilizer humus contains lipids, waxes, and resins, because in the process of soil formation with higher fertility, these substances can infiltrate the soil mass, so that it has hydrophobic, weakening the process of soil wetting and capillary water movement rate, so that the evaporation of soil moisture is reduced and soil water holding capacity is enhanced, thus improving the soil moisture situation.

Studies of the hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity of humus have shown that they are determined by the side chains on the edges of the humic acid molecule, and that when the degree of polymerization of the humic acid molecule is small, the degree of exposure of its side chain groups is greater, and that there is an inverse relationship between them, with the relationship between the humic substance and the water molecule determining, to some extent, the water properties of the organic matter.

The agglomerate structure is related to the organic matter content of the soil and the amount of organic fertilizer applied. The water-stable agglomerate structure ensures the looseness of the soil surface layer and facilitates soil permeability. This structure is characterized by loose agglomerates and a large non-capillary porosity, which reduces the height and speed of water capillary movement in the soil and reduces evaporation of water from the soil surface. The radius of the structure of soil particles with a better agglomerate structure is larger than the radius of the structure of soil particles with a poorer agglomerate structure, while the speed of upward movement of water capillary is inversely proportional to the radius of the structural unit.


9. With insulation

Organic fertilizer has the function of heat absorption and warming, which is beneficial to the root sprouting and growth of fruit trees. Organic fertilizer in the process of decomposition will release a certain amount of heat, improve the temperature of the soil, at the same time, organic fertilizer heat capacity, good insulation performance, not easy to be affected by external cold and heat changes, winter frost protection, summer heat, which is very beneficial to fruit tree root sprouting, growth, and overwintering.


10. Test soil fertility

Soil organic matter is a general term for the material in the soil that comes from life. Soil organic matter is an important component of the solid phase part of the soil and is one of the main sources of plant nutrition, promoting the growth and development of plants, improving the physical properties of the soil, promoting the activities of micro-organisms and soil organisms, promoting the decomposition of nutrient elements in the soil and improving the fertility and buffering role of the soil. It is closely related to the structural, aeration, infiltration, and adsorption properties and buffering properties of the soil. Usually, the content of organic matter is positively correlated with the level of soil fertility within a certain content range, under other conditions being the same or similar.

Soil organic matter content is one of the most important indicators of soil fertility, and organic fertilizers can increase the organic matter content of the soil.


Post time: Mar-31-2022